I think the bottleneck is that every file is read from the filesystem, not sure if that’s a bug, because I can see in the git.status code that it should only read the file if the attributes returned by the lstat command have changed.Īnother bottleneck is that the index file is being read with every single git.status request to a file, which could be avoided if the initial index was cached and re-used for subsequent git.status calls. From here I only have one step left and thats :Git.
Here's the detailed description of -u option from git-status man page: -uAs you do your work, Visual Studio keeps track of the file changes to your project in the Changes section of the Git Changes window. Staged files: These files have changes that will be added to the next commit. It outputs the active branch, remote sync status, and a list of modified files in the working directory and staging area. The git status command provides useful information about the current state of your Git repository.
gitignore mllib/pom.xml pom.xml So then let's see what files git wants to add: git status Changes not staged for commit: (use 'git addgitignore (which should not be necessary - so something is amiss.): head. Plugging in my own file system implementation, I can see that for every git.status call on a file, there is a readFile. These changes are equivalent to what you would see when you enter the git status command in the command line. Summary Next Steps References What does Git status do One of the first commands youll use when learning Git is git status. gitignore file - to which I added mllib/pom.xml and pom.xml and even. Although this works, it is very slow compared to the native git status implementation, which returns the results much much faster.

In case, you have accidentally staged a file or directory and want to undo it or unstage it, then you can use git reset command. Staging area lies in between of the working. It can be simply used as follows: git status git reset. You have added your file to git staging area, but not committed it yet. My current approach uses git.listFiles to get the list of all files known to the repository, and then calling git.status on every single file. git status command is used to check the status of the files (untracked, modified, or deleted) in the present branch.
I’m trying to figure out how to retrieve a list of files that have been modified, similar to the git status command. Changes not staged for commit are also modifications in your local files - but ones that you havent added to the staging area, yet.