On the metal sill, opposite the reloading bench, in the area with the office. In the Villa clinic basement, in a tool cabinet next to some fire extinguishers In the middle of the queen-sized bed, inside Ranger Andy's bungalow The shack inside the Mesquite Mountains crater, below the globe with a hat, on the table with the radio and repair kit
Upstairs in the main building, lying on a bed in the same room with the east terminal password On the bedside table shelf, by the bed on the right, in the second room. In the testing facility section, in the reward safe upon completion of all the stealth suit testsĪfter exiting the Cave of the Abaddon, in the south corner under a nightstand, in the room with the bed and the exit to The Divide (In the "Buried Building"), underneath the RALPHIE poster On the floor, opposite the door in the room where the chest plate for the stealth suit Mk II is found In the living quarters on a shelf, down the stairs from the recreation area through an Average locked door On a bookshelf facing the wall (hidden from view) on the southeast landing up one flight of stairs from the first floor interior entrance, acquired by placing/throwing explosives onto the bookshelf underneath the filing cabinet In the easternmost room of the switching station there is a large machine on the south side of the room, located on the catwalk that runs around the machine On some papers, by the corner desk inside the sharecropper barracks near the four water towers in the northeast corner of the fenced-in area

In the Goodsprings home inhabited by Trudy and Sunny Smiles, east from the schoolhouse, on a bookshelf In the east church's basement, by the eastern wall, at the foot of the metal shelves, on the floor. In a corner of the canyon south of the Y-0 building, between two xander root plants by the hand of a skeleton On a bookshelf in Vera's room, which is found in the Executive suites area of the Sierra Madre casino Located on the first floor through the door next to the radioactive barrel display, located on a shelf past the Hard locked door Steyn's office on the top floor of the Nipton Town Hall building Reward from Ignacio Rivas for distributing power to entire grid during That Lucky Old Sun In the command center, in the southeast corner, on the desk In the cellar, in the back room on a table to the left of the chemistry set In the north corner of launch deck, level 3 of the silo wreckage just past a Hard locked safe To change it, please edit the transcluded pages.

This section is transcluded from the respective item articles. Workbench crate (Can hold random skill books)
The second number in parentheses is the total number of skills books with Old World Blues skill book crafting mechanic included.Ĭhinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual The first number in parentheses indicates the total number of skill books with all add-ons included. This gives a grand total of 94 books (81 in static locations, 13 created at a workbench, and a chance for skill books in Honest Hearts). Finally, Lonesome Road adds an additional copy of each skill book. Old World Blues adds two copies of Chinese Army: Spec Ops Training Manual and a copy of Big Book of Science, in addition to a new mechanic enabling the player to create a single copy of each book at a workbench using 25 blank books, two tubes of wonderglue and the appropriate recipe. Honest Hearts introduces the workbench crate, a container with random loot that has a chance of containing various skill books, but no static book locations. Dead Money adds two copies of Dean's Electronics, and one copy of each of the other skill books, with the exception of Wasteland Survival Guide. There are, on average, four copies of every skill book, for a total of 52 books in the base game. Once added to the inventory, they appear in the "Aid" section of a player's Pip-Boy menu. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes from Fallout 3 has been removed, since the Big Guns skill has been dissolved into other skills. The newly added Survival skill uses the Wasteland Survival Guide as a skill book. With a few exceptions, the skill books are identical to the books from Fallout 3. Reading a skill book permanently raises the corresponding skill by three points (four with the Comprehension perk).